Your Intention Candle "Circle of Light" Activation Guide
For over 20 years, Pulling Down the Moon’s Yoga for Fertility (YFF) classes have used the same closing ritual. A candle is lit and passed around the circle of students, and in turn each has the chance to share what they have learned about themselves during the fertility journey, offer gratitude to each other for support and affirm their fertility intention.
Philosophers, sages, saints, and yogis across the ages have postulated the belief that energy follows intention and that we live in a Universe of pure potential. When we plant seeds of negativity and doubt, we grow plants of the same. When we are laser-focused on planting seeds of positivity and have faith that our intention will manifest, we reap a more bountiful harvest. When these intentions are shared with a supportive group, they gain even more strength.
Literally thousands of women have participated in this ritual over the years, and each time they pass the candle to end their class, our teachers acknowledge that lineage of loving support and encourage their students to add to it. This candle, custom made for you by a former fertility patient and Pulling Down the Moon YFF student, carries that lineage of support within. It is a light in dark times, a reminder to forgive others and love yourself, and a “North star” to remind you of your unwavering intention to become a parent.
Intention Candle Instructions & Affirmation:
Blend: Geranium, Patchouli, Sandalwood
Stone: Moonstone
Meditation Color: White, Clear
To Activate: When you receive your candle, take a moment to engage your senses: hold the candle in your hands to feel its weight, receive the aroma and observe the healing crystal. On a small piece of paper, write out your prayer or i intention. Light your candle. While holding your lighted candle, go outside during daylight hours, face East and say your intention aloud to yourself. During any evening hour after sunset (but within three days of your daylight ritual), go outside, face West and say your intention aloud to yourself again while holding the lighted candle. After this ritual, you should continue to light your candle and state your intention to yourself once a day.
In order to unlock this universal secret handed down throughout the ages, it is believed that one should imagine in their mind’s eye that their prayer has already been answered by taking time each day to meditate on that one thing they so very much desire, but do it without attachment. This means that we believe deeply that our prayer has been answered but then let it go knowing that the Universe or God, in its divine wisdom, will grant our prayer in a way that is most harmonious for us and/or the greater good. Our belief that we have the power to create our deepest desires and the faith that we are one piece of a giant tapestry woven by the Creator are our greatest tools for manifestation and acceptance. It is in this spirit that we invite you to use your candle.
Using a spoon, you can remove the crystal after 3-4 hours of first burn. Your crystal is now imbued with your intention and can be carried into any space to continue to generate positive effects.